“Quintet of Radiance”: Five Ennobling Awards!

Well, it’s been a while I had some gifts stored safely in my locker, all waiting to be shared with the lovely people around. But firstly, I have a list of wonderful bloggers to thank:

1. Archita: A charming lens-lady, spreading positive vibes around. Her posts will make you look at life differently for sure. Thank you Archita for the two lovely award nominations! Experience her world here.

2. Anil Cm: An avid admirer of artistic and natural beauty, his travelogues and photomontages leave a lasting impression always. Thank you for the unique award nomination! Enjoy his tales here.

3. The blog Belsbror (the title was chosen in recognition of the author’s younger sister): An aspiring novelist and a challenging realist, his insights and opinions are a treat to read. Thank you for the shining award nomination. Read his thoughts here.

4. Tazein Mirza Saad: An inspiring lady with some beautiful thoughts, she has this wonderful ability to reach your heart with her spiritual posts. Thank you so much for the three awesome award nominations! Visit her blog here.

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