Dessert Served Warm: “Super Sweet Blog Award”!


Dated: 2-JUNE-2013 (1st)

Ok! So this is sweet and funny!

“Hi, my friend. Your posts always make me feel like going for a degree in English Language,” said Michael, while sending this lovely gift on a hot afternoon. Well, I wish I was an English Major too! Alas, I’m not! 😀

So, meet Michael Monday. Educationist. Adviser. Business Management Specialist. Blogger. And above all, a Great Friend with a Pure Soul. It’s a privilege to be nominated by a person like him for such a Super Sweet Blog Award. Thanks Michael for honouring me with this sweet gesture. Let’s make this world… SWEET! 🙂 To read his inspirational articles, kindly visit here.

So, after some sunshine, it’s time to make this world a sweeter place to be… not just through words or promises, but by touching every soul. Sweetness defies gravity and even a heavy burden of life vanishes under its charm. And thus it has been during my journey though the ‘blogosphere’… meeting so many sweet people, having a great time talking to them, sharing glimpses of me with them, and learning so much. Thank you to all! I shall end with Andy Rooney’s quote: “Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.” 😛

Time for some formalities and hurling a few sweet-bombs into the friendly neighbourhood. (So much of *sweet-sweet* around!)



(All nominees kindly answer the questions below)

1. Cookies or Cake? – CAKE. Cake is happiness! If you have a cake in front of you, you should not look any further for joy!

2. Chocolate or Vanilla? – CHOCOLATE. The greatest tragedies were written by the ancient Greeks and Shakespeare… neither knew chocolate!

3. Favorite Sweet Treat? – Mom-made KHEER or PAYESH, transports me to those happy alleys of childhood where there was nothing to fear, yet a thrill for the future waiting patiently. (Kheer or Payesh is a rice pudding, which is a traditional Indian sweet dish. It is made by boiling rice or broken wheat with milk and sugar, and flavoured with cardamom, raisins, saffron, cashew nuts, pistachios or almonds. View image here.)

4. When do you crave sweet things most? – I think I have a sweet tooth. (Still thinking!) Umm, so ANYTIME and ALWAYS.

5. Sweet Nickname – BABUN. (My grandma used to call me by that name. Probably she procreated it from the Indian origin word ‘babu’, meaning ‘dearest’ sometimes). I loved it more than any other name I ever had. She left the earthly bounds two years ago, and I have no one to call me by that name anymore. Sweet memories, surely.)



1. Shift… because the only thing constant is change

2. Maryam Chahine

3. Lenise

4. Everything Aussie

5. Every Day Another Story: Collective Wit of S. Baum, a nano-blog

6. Calligraphy Festival

7. The Accidental Cootchie Mama

8. Green Wake

9. Renxkyoko’s Space

10. A Little Bit of Everything… A Pool of Thoughts

There were more names, but the rules allow me to choose only ten and some of my friends already have it gifted to them. So, congratulations to all of you and keep spreading more sweetness around with your soul! Cheers! :)

~ xxx ~

Dated: 10-JUNE-2013

It feels great to get a blog award as a gift, but it feels heavenly to get the same award more than once! Wow! Thank you Tazein Mirza Saad, for the wonderful honour! Tazein loves sharing anecdotes of her life with people, reaching out to them, helping them realize their hidden strengths, and providing them with hope in their darkest hours. To get nominated for a Super Sweet award from such a sweet person is a treat indeed! To know more of Tazein’s world, visit her blog here.


(All nominees kindly answer the questions mentioned above)

1. Juned11blog – Restless Heart Syndrome

2. Shivani Panchmatia’s Blog – A world of thoughts and passions

3. Terry1954 – Inspirational stories that touch your heart and soul

4. Journey Called Life

5. God Is I Am – Life with Spirit

6. The One Thing I Know For Sure

7. MindBlur

8. Tornadoday – Might I be found in words I leave behind

9. Deb Adams

10. A Telescope – Seeing Ahead To The Beautiful Things

Congratulations to all of you! 🙂

Related Articles:

Blog Awards Galore: A ‘Four’some Treat!
Shine On Tanumoy With The… “Shine On Award”!

45 comments on “Dessert Served Warm: “Super Sweet Blog Award”!

  1. Somebody once “accused” me of giving “sweet-honey-nectar-filled-words” to all. hehe… Hence, I’ve decided not to say anything further on this post of yours. Enough of sweetness for you, sweet person! *smile*

    Still, congrats! Shine on!! Know that I am smiling at your smile. Tou huzoor, ek muskaan aap k naam! 🙂
    *my shelf awaits*

    • Ah! Your words have the sweetness of a pure soul, not that of some earthly object. And so, you can never be “accused”… it’s a gift rather to have a share of your soul here. 🙂

      Aur, Shukraan… for the ‘Muskaan’. 🙂
      *the shelf needs an elf* 😛

  2. Congratulations to you! You have a beautiful den and this honor is well deserved..and many thanks for extending this wonderful award to me..lenise :~)

  3. 🙂 Just like all other posts of yours…..splendid display of Gift of Words 🙂 What would have happened if you were an English major 🙂 One thing i have come to like so much about blogging is meeting very creative and intelligent people… you 🙂 Congratulations !

    • ….and thanks a lot for the beautiful picture of me that you used words to paint. That was really head-swelling 🙂 Thanks to God i still have my head intact 🙂 Have a blissful Sunday Tanumoy….

      • *shudders at the thought of English Major exams* No no no! I’m at peace! 😀

        Well, all thanks to you, Michael… for being such a great soul yourself. They say, birds of same feather flock together. So, your thoughts are as creative as anyone out here. We are all spreading the nectar of whatever flower we are. 🙂

        And, I laughed like a kid for some minutes after reading the ‘head-swelling’! *still laughing* Beware beware! 😀 Enjoy your Sunday…

        • *seriously laughing here* I need a glass of water 🙂 What is your discipline that your English is “A” class 🙂 Thanks again for those sweet complements. I hope my government officials will come across it and consider me for an office 🙂 *really laughing*. Thanks to WordPress for making me find you. Peace to you brother 🙂

    • *Oh, My, God!*
      Exactly the first expression which came on my face when I read this… sat for a few good minutes, measuring what I just read! *stunned* Thank you so much Aditi for bestowing this foursome honour on me. Wow! Almost seems like I won 4 Oscars in 4 different categories! 😀

      Thanks again! Will try to get better! 🙂

    • Ah, Rogier! You honour me by mentioning “talented writer”. Can’t thank you enough! Like I said earlier, your kind words always act like a beacon of hope, that: yes, I can try thinking, scribbling, writing… try at least! 🙂

      Congratulations to you… keep spreading the sweetness of your soul like you always do. You are really blessed with a sweet family. Cheers! 🙂

  4. Congrats on a well deserved award and may you receive many more! You have a really fine blog here, and I’ve enjoyed reading it so far. Thanks for spreading the sweetness around by nominating by blog : ) Happy writing and blogging!

    Peace and All the Best,

    • Ah Maryam, you honour me with your kind words. Thank you so much! Will keep getting better. 🙂

      And you totally deserve the award for the sweet effect your posts have on the mind. So much to learn from them! Congratulations to you! Waiting for more of your creative wonders. 🙂

      Best wishes

  5. Pingback: Blog Awards Galore: A ‘Four’some Treat!!! | The Nomadic Soliloquist

  6. Thank you, thank you for this sweet gesture. I’m not going to pick up the ball and nominate five other bloggers etc, and I apologize for that. I’m enjoying your blog too and find it sweet as well. Thanks again and Congrats for winning all those sweets.

  7. Pingback: “Moment of Inspiration”: Two Very Special Awards! | The Nomadic Soliloquist

  8. Congrats on this award, Tanumoy… well deserved! And thank you very much for nominating me… I’m honoured!
    Have a sweet day, Sweetie! 🙂

  9. Sweet of you to honour me with such sweetness 🙂
    May your grandma rest in peace. She sure will be knowing how her ‘Babun’ is spreading such sweetness and joy around him.

    May you be blessed always – you deserve every award on this world. Your poetry is simply fantastic.

    I am so glad to have stumbled on your space through our equally talented (slightly more than you! 😉 ) Sahiba, ‘the silent fingers’ 🙂

    • Aww, you make the heart lighter with your sweet words… 🙂
      Blessed we all are, blessed we shall remain. Ameen.

      And oh yes, absolutely… I stand no chance in a poetic duel with the Sahiba… her ‘silent fingers’ have already silenced ‘the nomadic soliloquist’ to numbness, and also dumbness, at times… 😛

  10. My my! I guess I missed out on this one. Well thank you for the sweet nomination O majestic lion… I accept it with all humbleness and wonder if I truly deserve it.

    Thank you for all the awards you have conferred upon this “nacheez”

  11. Pingback: “Quintet of Radiance”: Five Ennobling Awards! | The Nomadic Soliloquist

  12. Pingback: Trophy closet … | MindBlur

  13. Pingback: I’m feeling better, so Awards Night is here…..Drum roll please……. | Two Rights Attempting To Make A Left!

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